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Last night, Jeffrey left our apartment at 8:00PM to go climb Mt. Hood! At 11, 200ft. this giant is quite a climb. Though not as technical of a climb as say, Mount Baker or Mount Jefferson, Jeffrey tells me that the majority of the climb is long and slow-going (probably why it is called "the slog").

About a month ago, him and his friend Ryan attempted Hood, but were going on basically no sleep and ended up turning around because Ryan was pooped (Jeffrey said he could have kept going but you ALWAYS stick together, so he went back).

This time, Jeffrey went with one of my collage roommates and 4 other people from her gym. So they left the lodge around midnight, summited and made it back by 10AM (he texted me this information).

Jeffrey LOVES climbing. Even though he has not done too much of it, he eats, sleeps, and breathes climbing. Not a day goes by that he is not researching the next climb, talking about his plans, or buying more gear for his ventures.

While it is, at times, a bit frustrating, I am so thankful for his love of this hobby. He has never been one to watch TV or play video games (neither am I for that matter), but instead is always looking for another opportunity to be outside in God's beautiful creation! While I do not really have any great desire to climb a mountain, (but who knows....) he inspires me to enjoy the natural world around me even more!

So get outside, ride your bike, go for a hike, run, walk, and enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather and the earth God has created!



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